Stop the press

Stop the press

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Cole hearted

Today's lecture really showed me how cynical world of journalism can be. Whilst casting a skeptical eye over Ashley and Cheryl Cole's recent separation, I discovered that most of the class truly believed that their marriage was a publicity stunt.

Cheryl Cole stood by her husband despite numerous allegations of infidelity against him. After five years of marriage, she's finally decided to call it quits (Michaela's covered all this in her blog below!).

Some observers have commented on the good timing of the split. Now that Miss Cole is a free agent, America is hers for the taking. Simon Cowell's protegée will now conquer the US, distraction free.

Others have pointed out that Ashley Cole was bad for Cheryl's public image. The most hated soccer player in Britain with the nation's sweetheart, it hardly did wonders for her PR. She probably ditched him to further her own career.

And then there is the belief that the union never existed, and the relationship was a hoax. I cannot fathom how anyone, celebrity or not, could pull that off. Unless you're Jordan and Alex Reid (and I'm no cynic, but come on..).

These disparaging comments make me wonder about the world we live in. We always have to assume to worst about people. Has our society become so seeped in negativity and pessimism that we cannot feel empathy for anyone?  

Cheryl Cole got married at a young age, probably too young to even comprehend what a marriage entails. She will now be a divorcée at the age of 26. Would anybody want this?

In my opinion, she is just like any other woman. Cheryl entered into marriage thinking it would be for life. Little did she know her husband was a cheat, and that she would be publicly humiliated.

She may be beautiful, rich and famous, and she may be propelled around the place by clouds of fairy-dust but I imagine that at the moment she's heartbroken (and hopefully on a  comfort food binge, that girl needs to put on a few pounds).

Call me naive if you want. But I refuse to believe that all celebrities are soul-less androids, slave to their PR machine. Of course there are exceptions (A certain Miss Price, anyone?).

There's a good chance that I'm wrong, and that all of this is a publicity stunt orchestrated by the ill-famed puppet master himself, Max Clifford, spin doctor to the stars. But I think Cheryl Cole's different. She strikes me as being down-to-earth (albeit, a tad annoying) and just...normal. As normal as a celebrity can get anyway. Cheryl is simply a girl from an estate in Newcastle who dreamed of fame and got lucky. Unfortunately for her, the dream is turning sour. 

As for me, I pity her. Who else would have to endure such pain for it all to called a lie? And if it's all a publicity stunt? Well, I pity her even more. Who wants to live their life through a series of carefully chosen PR moves? The fame and fortune is not worth it.  


1 comment:

  1. To be honest, I think it was most likely a little bit of both - good PR and a true relationship. Think about it logically, if you and your husband are going to be on opposite sides of the world for most of the time anyway, what kind of marriage is that? May as well be free agents.

    As for Cheryl, she seems normal enough and a victim of Ashley - but is that yet another PR stunt to make people like her more? As a journalist I think sometimes you have to be a tad cynical, and not take things on face value. Today she's the nation's sweetheart, but a couple of years ago she was the "rough" one in the band; walloping a toilet attendant around the head in a nightclub. It's amazing how her image has gone from that to "butter wouldn't melt".

