Stop the press

Stop the press

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Caught red-handed

It is a bustling room of businessmen. Computers display graphs and presentations, calculations and emails. An economics reporter discusses official interest rates to the camera, his shirt and tie and serious facial expression portraying to us the seriousness of this news story. We are to believe this is a serious workplace of serious employees.

But not all human nature is left at the door of this workplace. Amongst the computers of graphs and presentations a man browses through racy photographs of the model, Miranda Kerr, in full view of his wife, his children, his mother, the nation of Australia.

You have to laugh. A typical male thing to do of course, I mean, a woman would never be caught doing such a thing in the workplace on national television. Maybe not, but how many women stray away from the workplace’s computer program in search of tonight’s agenda for the television, or to browse through Rachel’s photographs of last weekend in Galway with her new boyfriend?

The Internet is a maze of activity, a buzzing centre of entertainment. It is difficult to complete a simple task that involves the Internet without logging into a social network website or watching a quick video on YouTube.

Misuse of the Internet could easily constitute up to a few hours during the working day. Is this affecting our proficiency at work? Are we less productive now in the workplace than we were twenty years ago? There are several precautions employers could take to cease such Internet activity, but we are adults, surely we should not be treated as children? Surely there can be some element of trust involved.

Enjoy the video, it is after all human nature to laugh at other people’s misfortune and humility. Meanwhile, the search continues, worldwide at this stage, to find the man who gazed at photographs of Miranda Kerr on national news… I wonder was Miranda impressed?


1 comment:

  1. They even showed that footage on the TV3 news! ha I bet that isn't an easy one to explain to the wife.

