Stop the press

Stop the press

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Channel our anger

A newlywed had his speeding fine struck out at Kilkenny District Court after the judge joked he was "beginning a new life sentence". Noel Dempsey sits on the Tonight with Vincent Browne show and jokes about John Terry being more "liquid than Anglo Irish Bank". We are a nation full of comedians; the land of saints has vanished along with the bishops, and all that remains are scholars and journalists.

Sean Moncrieff makes some valid points in his article "Time to get angry and badger our politicians" (Irish Examiner-Wed, Feb 3rd, 2010). He said: "We simply can't stay annoyed about the same subject for long enough to do anything about it". Think about a time in your own life, one that outraged you. What did you do? Just like the many scandals this isle has seen-they have come and gone.

We have been betrayed by our bankers, baffled by our inept politicians and outraged by the actions of our priests. But, this is a temporary state, right? We have been angry for a long time. It has only served in dementing and stressing us out (in Irish terms: "Driving us to drink").

We are truly becoming a negative and backward state. We need to be reborn. In essence, we need to think and then act. The truth hurts: Nobody deserves a free ride. We need to critique and question everything (If your mother tells you she loves you, ask daddy (Remember)). If we fail in our duty as 'public watchdog' to do this, nobody else will.